Clare Bears Community Pre-School Ltd


Clare Bears Values
Democracy (Social)
We will…
Provide every child with a settling in session the term before they start and an initial parent/carer meeting.
Allocate your child with a suitable key person.
Provide opportunities to get to know yourself, your child and your family.
Be available to listen to your thoughts and share your child’s progress at all times.
Our Children will…
Be encouraged to become confident speakers and listeners.
Know that their decisions count.
Be able to select and show preferences for resources and activities.
Be provided with the opportunity to explore the environment freely and independently as well as small group time activities.
The Rule of Law (Moral)
We will…
Offer lots of opportunities for children to discuss their feelings and behaviour.
Support and guide children to resolve their own conflicts.
Promote positive behaviour and not tolerate bullying.
Support and allow the children to be in- dependent and to give them responsibilities of carrying out small tasks.
Our Children will…
Be encouraged to follow simple routines.
Learn how to take care of their toys and equipment.
Create promises to keep that are important to them.
Demonstrate positive behaviour.
Individual Liberty (Spiritual)
We will…
Allow children to take manageable risks and challenges.
Provide continuous provision to allow your children to revisit and develop on previous learning experiences.
Use various methods to record and assess children’s learning and interests.
Build strong relationships with children and their families.
Our Children will…
Be given opportunities to explore their thoughts and feelings/ emotions
and varying opinions.
Make their own choices.
Build strong relationships with practitioners and peers.
Celebrate their own achievements.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance (Cultural)
We will…
Support children’s understanding of diversity and challenge negative attitudes and stereotypes.
Celebrate with children their successes and achievements (whether from home or pre-school).
Model turn taking, sharing, communicating and friendly behaviour.
Provide role play opportunities using a range of diverse resources.
Our Children will…
Happily, share their toys/ resources.
Treat each other fairly and equally.
Celebrate together events and festivities.
Be proud of their own achievements and that of others.